Team effectiveness

‘A team is not a group of people who work together, it is a group of people who trust each other.’

Simon Sinek


Team Effectiveness

Personal Best designs
and delivers programs that accelerate the development of team cohesiveness and reinforce the fundamental attitudes and behaviours adopted by high performance team members.

Our workshops are customised to each organisation’s needs and may include:

1 — Team skills and knowledge

Provide an opportunity for team members to develop skills and knowledge about aspects of teamwork such as collaboration, communication and trust.

2 — Individual and team awareness building

Increase individual team members’ awareness of how they function in a team and help them better understand the team’s diversity.

Help people clarify and develop an understanding of the team roles that must be evident within a team in order for it to be effective.

3 — Assessment tools

Use assessment tools, such as StrengthsFinder, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO B), to facilitate individual self awareness and support improved teamwork.

  • Clifton StrengthsFinder

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator is used to help team members understand themselves and how they function in a team setting; identify areas of strength and possible areas of weakness for the team; clarify team behaviour; help to match specific tasks with team members; and supply a framework in which team members can understand and better manage differences and build relationships.

  • Firo B is a reliable and valid psychological instrument that gives valuable insights into the needs individuals bring to their relationships with other people in the team. It measures how much INCLUSION, CONTROL and AFFECTION are wanted and expressed by team members. Firo B helps individuals become more aware of how they can meet the interpersonal needs of team members.

4 — Team building activities

Team building activities provide an opportunity for teams to experience cooperation in a light-hearted environment, improve relationships and team skills and understand team dynamics and team building processes by working as a team to achieve a goal.